About us
Skellefteå, sweden, the bus will take care of the public transport system in sweden, in both the city and the parts of the service. We stand behind the shuttle and transport.
Council-owned Skellefteå, sweden, the bus is responsible for public transport in sweden, both in the city and part of the service. The company's long-term vision is that all people in the region will be able to take part of the urban range, a 15-minutes – without the use of your car. In order to be able to achieve has been Skellefteå, sweden, the bus is determined to be in the forefront in the development of a sustainable and tailor-made trips. It covers everything from autonomous transport, and the ability to easily plan, book, and the implementation of its trips, for solutions that allow for human transportation, but is unnecessary to the ownership of the vehicles, and resources. Tomorrow's travelers have come to expect a seamless and sustainable transportation, and the city of Skellefteå bus has responsibility for local service delivery systems that will enable them to do just that.

This has happened along the way. In the first half of the 1900's saw the start of a variety of bus routes into the Skellefteåtrakten of the pioneers, whose company through a variety of mergers and sales of the latter was to be in all of the major companies. Skelleftebuss was established in 1974 by the merger of the city of Skellefteå public Transport, Skelleftedalens Traffic, and the portions of the Record Diligenstrafik. As a result, the contiguous's bus route network in Skellefteå, sweden, the seat and the lower part of the Skelleftedalen.
At the start, there were 16 buses, and one of the 30 or so employees. At the end of the 1970s, it was taken over responsibility for the färdtjänstbussarna, Skellefteå kommun. Skelleftebuss is growing fast, then Continentbus AB was acquired from Hellgreninvest, and the coach and bus fleet was expanded with an additional 57 bus. In connection with this, it was Skelleftebuss owned by the city of Skellefteå Lorry (which was later sold in 2007.
The company's property to the North of the Street were built between 1977 and 1981.A further merger took place in the late 1970's and early 1980's in the form of a Holmboms Manufacturing LTD, Nysätra Traffic, AB, and its factories Traffic, AB With these transactions, there is also the concessions, the condition of the bus, as they are different companies are busy and on the basis of passenger traffic. These changes in the context of the emergence of a new head of bus services in the county of Västerbotten, in 1981, Länstrafiken I Västerbotten in northern sweden AB
Länstrafiken has, since 1992, carried out a large number of anbudsupphandlingar of the bus services in the county in which the Skelleftebuss appeared successful. The most recent merger, the Norsjöbuss LTD, was introduced in 2005 and has led the company had about 200 employees and 125 buses.
The next step in the evolution was the transition from diesel to biogas-fuelled buses, which were marked by the introduction of biogas buses beginning in 2007.
In 2013, took over the line of 208/209, who had previously been one of the county's bus services. In 2014, the group made a major shift in which the ”Skelleftehamnslinjerna” was merged with the former stadslinjenät a new trafiklösning, which we now know as the city of Skellefteå on public transportation. Today, public transport, the city of Skellefteå urban area, as well as the Village, isabella plains, and Murmansk.
In 2016, made the Skelleftebuss of a larger project in which identity is clarified, and a new visual profile of the strategy. The name was changed to Skellefteå is to bus.