
Tickets & prices

Tickets & prices

The prices are valid from 2021-12-01 and until further notice. New activation and validity times from 2023-03-13.

Feel free to make your ticket purchase via our app or our webshop. The more people who buy digital tickets in advance, the faster and smoother the bus journey goes!

Below you will find our different ticket types, where you can buy them and how much they cost:

Price guide

SINGLE TICKET for those who travel only once
From 2021-11-29 and until further notice.
Enkelbiljetten gäller för en resa på en sträcka. Smidigast är att köpa din enkelbiljett i Skellefteå buss app, där du får ett digitalt färdbevis med en QR-kod. Du har då fri övergång inom hela Skellefteå Lokaltrafik. Övergången gäller 90 minuter från första stämplingen på bussen. Du kan även betala med kort direkt på bussen. För att kunna köpa biljett med åldersrelaterat pris måste du kunna visa legitimation vid köp och vid eventuell biljettkontroll.

Price, per journey - the whole of Skellefteå Lokaltrafik

Adult (26-64 years) Onboard price (no transfer) 38:- Advance purchase price (app, free transfer within 60 min) 28:-

Senior (65+ years)  Onboard price (no transfer) 32:- Advance purchase price (app, free transfer within 60 min) 22:-

Youth (20-25 years) Onboard price (no transfer) 32:- Advance purchase price (app, free transfer within 60 min) 22:-

Children (7-19 years) Onboard price 17:- (no transfer)  Advance purchase price (app, free transfer within 60 min) 17:-

Validity, Single ticket purchased at Reseinfo:
From 2023 03 13: The trip must be made within 6 months of purchase. Validity, a journey not a transition.

Validity, Single ticket purchased on the bus:
Från och med 2023 03 13: Resan görs direkt vid köp. 

Refund. Single bus trip: Unused/expired single trips will not be refunded.

TRAVEL BOX for those who want to be flexible
För att underlätta för våra resenärer inför uppgraderingen av biljettsystemet gör vi några förändringar i biljettutbudet. I det nya systemet kommer reskassan tyvärr inte finnas kvar, så vi börjar nu att avveckla den. Från den 1 Juli 2024 kan man inte ladda på reskassa med mer än 27 kr för att få en enkelresa, därefter är det laddstopp. Vi rekomenderar att man reser upp det man har kvar på sin reskassa. Avvecklingen av reskassan gäller även resor över länsgräns och reskassan upphör samtidigt i de övriga län som ingår i samarbetet för det nya biljettsystemet. Med det nya biljett- och betalsystemet blir det enklare att köpa och hantera biljetter. Du kommer kunna köpa biljetter i appen och på mina sidor och sedan ge bort eller låna ut biljetter till andra, något som många gör med reskassan idag.

Price per trip - all of Skellefteå local traffic:

Adult (26-64 years): 27:-

Senior (65+ years): 22:-

Youth (20-25 years): 22:-

Children (7-19 years): 13:-

Validity period, Travel box:
Valid 10 years from date of purchase.
Refund, Travel box: Unused/expired Travel box will not be refunded. The plastic card will not be refunded.
A lost card is only replaced if you meet the requirements of the "lost bus card compensation". 
RABATTKORT/ Rabattbiljetter för dig som åker då och då
Du köper 6 eller 10 resor åt gången. Rabattkortet kan du köpa ombord på bussen på Skellefteå busstation eller i appen. Första gången betalar du en avgift på 25 konor för att få själva kortet. Du kan fylla på kortet med nya rabattresor i vår webbshop. Rabattkortet är inte personligt men gäller alltid bara för den ålderskategori du angett vid köptillfället. För att kunna köpa rabattresor till åldersrelaterat pris måste du kunna legitimera dig vid köp och vid eventuell biljettkontroll. Med rabattkortet och rabattbiljetten i appen har du fri övergång inom en timme (övergången gäller 90 minuter från första stämplingen på bussen). 

Price per trip - all of Skellefteå local traffic:

Adult (26-64 years) Onboard price 27:- Advance purchase price (webb) 21:-

Senior (65+ years)  Onboard price 22:- Advance purchase price (webb) 18:-

Youth (20-25 years) Onboard price 22:- Advance purchase price (webb) 18:-

Children (7-19 years) Onboard price 13:- Advance purchase price (webb) 13:-

Validity, Discount card:
Första resan måste göras inom 30 dagar efter inköpet annars förfaller produkten. Giltighetstiden för kortet är 90 dagar efter första resan.

Refund, Discount card:
No refund on expired Discount cards.
You can get a refund on unused Discount cards except for an administration fee of 75:-/bus card or bus ticket. All refunds takes place at Skellefteå Reseinfo, S. Järnvägensgatan 29.
You will not get a refund on the plastic card.
A lost card is only replaced if you meet the requirements of the "lost bus card compensation". 
10 Resor i appen

Vuxen 210:-

Senior 180:-

20-25år 180:-

7-19 år 130:-

6 Resor i appen 

Vuxen 126kr 

Senior 108kr 

20-25år 108

7-9år 78kr

PERIOD CARD for you who travel often
From 2021-11-29 and until further notice.
The period card is suitable for those who, for example, commute to work or school every day of the week. It applies to an unlimited number of journeys during 30 days within Skellefteå Lokaltrafik, it also applies to Flygbussen! The period card is not personal, but always only applies to the age category you entered at the time of purchase. In order to be able to buy trips at an age-related price, you must be able to identify yourself at the time of purchase and at any ticket check. The easiest way to buy the period card is in our app, where you get a digital ticket. You can also buy period cards on board the bus or at Skellefteå bus station. The first time, you then pay a fee of 25 kona to get the card itself. When the period has expired, you can pay for a new 30-day period in our webshop, in the app or on the bus. It is always cheapest to buy the ticket before you get on the bus, in our webshop or in the app. Then boarding is quick, which other travelers also appreciate!

Prices for 30 days - all of Skellefteå local traffic:

Adult (26-64 years) Onboard price 600:- Advance purchase price (app & webb) 520:-

Senior (65+ years)  Onboard price 520:- Advance purchase price (app & webb) 460:-

Youth (20-25 years) Onboard price 520:- Advance purchase price (app & webb) 460:-

Children (7-19 years) Onboard price 380:- Advance purchase price (app & webb) 380:-

Validity, Period Card:
From 2023 03 13: First trip must be made within 30 days of card purchase, otherwise the product expires. The period card is valid for 30 days from the first day of use.

Purchases made before 2023 03 12: The first trip must be made within 6 months of the purchase of the card, otherwise the product expires. The period card is valid for 30 days from the first day of use.

Refund, Period Card:
Unused/expired Period Cards will not be refunded.
Period Cards that has been just a while will not be refunded.
Unused Period Cards can be refunded with the remaining amount except for an administration fee of 75:-. All refunds will take place at Skellefteå Reseinfo, S. Järnvägsgatan 29. The plastic card will not be refunded.
Vid sjukdom kan återbetalning ske mot uppvisande av läkarintyg, då erhålls värdet på kvarvarande resor minus en expeditions avgift på 75kr per busskort. Busskortämnet återköps ej. 

A lost card is only replaced if you meet the requirements of the "lost bus card compensation". 
Read more
PERIOD CARD FLEX for those who travel for a maximum of 10 days during a 30-day period
From 2021-11-29 and until further notice.
Period card FLEX suits you who, for example, commute to work or school for a maximum of 10 days in a 30-day period. It applies to an unlimited number of trips during the 10 days that you choose to travel within Skellefteå Lokaltrafik. Period card FLEX is not personal, but always only applies to the age category you entered at the time of purchase. In order to be able to buy trips at an age-related price, you must be able to identify yourself at the time of purchase and at any ticket check. You buy the FLEX period card on board the bus or at Skellefteå bus station. The first time, you then pay a fee of 25 kona to get the card itself. When the period has expired, you can pay for a new 30-day period in our webshop, in the app or on the bus.

I Appen kan du köpa 10 / 30 där varje enskild biljett är giltig i 24 timmar. 

Price, per journey - all of Skellefteå Local Traffic

Adult (26-64 years) Onboard price 360:- Advance purchase price (app & web) 360:-

Senior (65+ years)  Onboard price 290:- Advance purchase price (app & web) 290:-

Youth (20-25 years) Onboard price 290:- Advance purchase price (app & web) 290:-

Children (7-19 years) Onboard price 200:- Advance purchase price (app & web) 200:-

Validity, Period card FLEX:
From 2023 03 13: First trip must be made within 30 days of card purchase, otherwise the product expires. The period card is valid for 30 days from the first day of use.

Purchases made before 2023 03 12: The first trip must be made within 6 months of the purchase of the card, otherwise the product expires. The period card is valid for 30 days from the first day of use.

Refund, Period Card:
Period card FLEX that has been used a while will not be refunded. In case of illness a refund can be issued if you show a doctor's certificate. In that case you will receive the amount of remaining trips except for an administration fee of 75:-. The plastic bus card will not be refunded. All refunds will be done at Skellefteå Reseinfo, S.Järnvägsgatan 29.
Unused/expired Period Cards will not be refunded.
A lost card is only replaced if you meet the requirements of the "lost bus card compensation". 
Read more
Starting from 2024-02-01, no new applications for annual passes will be accepted. This is due to the development of a new ticket and payment system, where we will be offering different types of products.

Are you already an annual pass holder?
As of now, you will not be affected by the decision to stop accepting new annual pass customers. Your existing annual pass will continue to function until we replace the current payment system or until you terminate your agreement before that time. Information will be sent out when relevant.

Agreement and conditions
BUSINESS CARD 24 hours or 72 hours
From 2021-11-29 and until further notice.
The visitor's card is suitable for those who travel several distances for a limited time, choose one or three days.

The easiest way to buy the visitor's card is in our app, where you get a digital travel card. You can also buy visitor cards on board the bus, in our web shop (assumes you already have a bus card, SEK 25) or at Skellefteå bus station. The first time you then pay a fee of 25 kona to get the bus card itself (purchased on the bus or at the bus station). When the period has expired, you can pay for a new visitor card in our web shop or on the bus.

Price, per journey - all of Skellefteå Local Traffic

Adult (26-64 years) 24 hour visitor card 75:- 24 hour visitor card 155:-

Validity, Visitor card:
From 2023 03 13: The first journey must be made within 7 days of the purchase of the card, otherwise the product expires. Validity 24 or 72 hours after the first trip.

Purchases made before 2023 03 12: The first trip must be made within 6 months of the purchase of the card, otherwise the product expires. Validity 24 or 72 hours after the first trip.

Visitor cards can not be refunded. Unused or expired visitor cards can not be refunded.
Lost card 72 hours is only reimbursed if you meet the requirements of the "lost bus card compensation". 

This is free of charge!

- Two children under the age of 7 ride for free together with a paying passenger. If children under the age of 7 are to travel alone unaccompanied, they pay a child ticket. For children in a group, for example a pre-school group, everyone needs to buy a ticket.
- Vehicles that are foldable and portable and are less than 120 cm when folded (for example kick-bike, electric scooter or folding bike) can be taken on the bus free of charge, subject to space. It is stored on the floor and must not block a seat or take up space in the aisle or block an exit.
- Prams can be taken free of charge subject to space. Feel free to ask the driver for help when getting on and off!
- Travelers can bring a hand luggage and/or a suitcase. Other goods subject to space.
- Smaller animals safely placed in a bag/basket/box travel free of charge with a paying traveller. Keep in mind that the animal may not take up a free seat, but must be held on the lap.
- Dogs that are too big for a bag/basket/box can travel for free together with a paying traveller. Dogs must travel on the floor without blocking the aisle or disturbing fellow passengers. Traveler always has priority. If you are traveling with fur animals, keep in mind that there may be allergy sufferers on board the bus. Always board through the middle door if there is one, and only allow the animal to stay in the back of the bus. Thanks for your concern!

Age limits when buying tickets
Children are counted from the day you turn 7 until the day before your 20th birthday.
Youth is counted from the day you turn 20 until the day before your 26th birthday.
Youth is counted from the day you turn 20 until the day before your 26th birthday.
Seniors are counted from the day you turn 65 and up.
To be able to buy a ticket with an age-related price, you must be able to identify yourself at the time of purchase and at
possible ticket control.

Feel free to make your ticket purchase via our app or our webshop. The more people who buy digital tickets in advance, the faster and smoother the bus journey goes!

Cashless on the bus
Since June 13, 2016, it has been cashless on the bus to make the driver's work safer and your journey smoother. If you want to pay for a ticket or card on board the bus, you do so with a payment card. Unfortunately, we do not accept American Express, Diners, Maestro and Visa Electron.

Buy a one-way ticket via the app
Du köpa enkelbiljetter, periodkort och flygbussbiljetter i Skellefteå buss app. Läs mer om hur det fungerar här.

Top up your card in the online shop
Register yourself and your payment card and start loading your bus card in our web shop. You can buy discount trips, period cards and top up travel funds. Here you will find information about the web shop!

Do you have questions or need help?
If there is something you are wondering about, you can talk to the staff on the bus, call our customer service on 0910-72 56 00 or send an e-mail to You can also contact us via the message function on our Facebook page.

Other ticket types

Travel within Västerbotten County
Länstrafiken offers several different ticket types and cards for those who want to travel within the entire county, including the city buses. Read more at

Annual pass Skellefteå Local traffic:

Business card
Business card will make traveling easy for businesses, school classes, preschool groupes etc. The card is available for single trip tickets at Länstrafiken i Västerbotten, Västernorrland, Jämtland and Norrbotten, on the local buses in Umeå, Skellefteå and Norrtåg. The trips were the Business card has been used will be invoiced the next month. Read more here:

School card
School cards are issued by Länstrafiken after ordering from the municipality's customer service for those who meet the requirements for school transport. The card is valid for one round trip per school day with free transfer within 2 hours. The school card is not valid during the Christmas, sports and Easter holidays. Here you will find more information about school transport in Skellefteå.

Important to know
- Save the ticket for the entire journey. It is your driver's license that you must be able to show at any ticket check. Traveling without a valid ticket incurs a fine of SEK 1,500, which is unnecessary.
- In order for everyone to enjoy themselves on the bus, it is not okay to smoke or drink alcohol on board. Ice cream and grilled food may not be consumed on the bus. All food brought must be well packed so that the seats are left clean and mess-free for the next traveler.
- If a traveler behaves in a disruptive manner, the driver has the right to reject the person.
- Unfortunately, bicycles cannot be taken on the bus in local traffic.
- If the bus is more than 20 minutes late, you are entitled to compensation. Read more about our travel guarantee here.
- Products that has been lost and found can be picked up at Bussgods Skellefteå, Södra Järnvägsgatan 29, Skellefteå. The reception for lost and found products is open Monday-Thursdag 08.00 - 18.00, Friday 08.00 - 17.00. Phone number: 0910 - 734580. Products that has been lost and found can be picked up earliest at 13.00 the day after you have lost your product.
A lost card is only replaced if you meet the requirements of the "lost bus card compensation". Reimbursed according to these rules. Read more>>
- Night traffic between Friday and Saturday is shown in the table during Friday. Night traffic between Saturday and Sunday is shown in the table during Saturday.
– I tidtabellerna är den först angivna tiden bussens avgångstid. De påföljande tiderna är hålltider, så kallade ”tidigastetider”, vilket betyder att bussen som tidigast kan passera hållplatsen vid angivet klockslag. Det betyder att alla andra hållplatser har "cirkatider". Detta upplägg har vi för att se till att busstrafiken har bra flöde.
- All possible deviations from the printed timetable can be found under the Traffic changes menu option here on our website. This may apply, for example, to printing errors.
- Prices and regulations apply until further notice.

We reserve the right for any printing errors.